Henry Urbina 的個人檔案

GIT 418 Final Project

Pokemon (Third Party API, Local Storage, Tabs, Slideshow Carousel)
GIT 418
Designed by Henry Urbina
I based my color scheme off of the three starter types in Pokémon. Green for grass type, blue for water type, and red for fire type. The other 2 colors I selected are white and black, these colors just go with almost any color scheme.
Color Pallet. Coolors was used to find the best color scheme for my page.
Slideshow Carousel. My images were found on the Pokemon website. The images for the slideshow I found on Pokémon's announcement page from the new Pokémon Legends. 
I selected images that showcase Pokemon's newest entry to their game franchise, POKEMON LEGENDS: Z-A
Tabs Section. I used JavaScript to create tabs to display the Pokedex of the first 3 generations of Pokémon. 
Third Party API (Pokémon Hub by Yasindu Samarasinghe)
I used this random Pokémon Generator API to generate and display a Pokémon to the user.
Local Storage Section. I stored 3 different Pokémon in the local storage to display depending on the starter type the user selected. I stored the Pokémon Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle in the local storage.
Second Local Storage example using user Input
This project was a challenge. Using the third-party API was definitely the hardest part of the project.
wireframe was a simple approach. I didn't want to overcomplicate things, so I separated each individual assignment task into sections. Each section will have a different color sequence
My inspiration came from my love of Pokemon. I got the idea for searching for a Pokemon API when I casually visited the Pokemon Database website.
I learned a lot in this project. I learned that API's can help shorten project lengths when used correctly. I probably should have gone with a simpler API, but I wanted to challenge myself. I didn't get it to work as intended, but I feel like I am close to getting it to work.
If I had more time, I would have tested my code further. I would have watched a few more tutorials on API's and how to get the data from the objects they send.
I will continue practicing on the subject of JQuery and APIs; it is definitely an area I need to work on.
GIT 418 Final Project

GIT 418 Final Project

