Olga Weiss Jacobs sin profil

Branding for Fresh Made Cafe

Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Packaging, Brand Style Guide, and website design for Fresh Made Cafe.
Fresh Made Café sought a brand identity that encapsulated their dedication to freshness, health, and sustainability. The challenge was to create a visual and communicative strategy that would appeal to a wide array of health-oriented customers, from the fitness enthusiast to the busy professional seeking nutritious convenience.

Brand Essence 
The essence of Fresh Made Café was distilled into three core concepts: vitality, purity, and sustainability. These pillars served as a guide for all creative decisions.

Visual Identity 
Creation Inspired by the café's commitment to natural ingredients, I designed a logo that featured stylized green leaves and a terra-cotta dot, reminiscent of fresh foliage and earth. The clean and modern typography was selected to convey the brand’s contemporary approach to traditional health food.

Color Story 
The color palette was intentionally chosen to invoke nature and freshness. Different shades of green signal growth and vitality, while the brown accent speaks to the organic, grounded nature of their ingredients.

Brand Voice and Messaging
The brand voice was crafted to be inviting and enthusiastic, capturing the café's passion for health and wellness. Messaging focused on the joy of eating well and the benefits of a healthful lifestyle.

Style Guide
A comprehensive style guide was developed to ensure consistency across all platforms. It included guidelines for logo usage, color palette, typography, imagery, and copywriting tone.

Patterns Design 
The integration of playful patterns and icons enhanced the visual appeal of the Fresh Made Café brand and deepened the narrative, making each customer’s interaction with the brand a rich, engaging experience. These elements work together to tell the brand’s story and underline its commitment to quality.

Menu Design 
The menu was designed to be visually appealing and easy to navigate, showcasing the café's vibrant food with high-quality images and descriptive, appetizing language.

Sustainable materials were selected for packaging, with design elements that aligned with the minimalist aesthetic of the brand. Functionality was also key, ensuring that food remained fresh from café to consumer.

Website Design
The website was created to serve as a digital gateway to the café's experience. With a focus on UX, I implemented an intuitive layout, online ordering system, and integrated the brand blog, which serves as a resource for health-conscious living.
Through a collaborative and iterative process, Fresh Made Café's brand identity was brought to life, resulting in a cohesive narrative from visual identity to customer experience. The launch of the brand was met with positive customer feedback, and the café saw an increase in foot traffic and social media engagement.
The success of Fresh Made Café's brand is a testament to the power of a strategic, story-driven approach to identity design. It demonstrates how a thoughtful brand strategy can create an emotive connection with consumers, fostering loyalty and driving business growth.
Branding for Fresh Made Cafe


Branding for Fresh Made Cafe
