Mohammad Shahrukh ✪ TheFeture Creative Agency ✪ 님의 프로필Hasib Shagor ✪ 님의 프로필

Texas Clean Fuels Alliance — Logo & Brand Identity

Texas Clean Fuels 

The Texas Clean Fuels Alliance (TCFA) is committed to developing and expanding clean transportation markets and technologies across Texas. The organization plays a pivotal role in promoting hydrogen and other clean fuels, aiming to establish Texas as a leader in hydrogen production and clean transportation.

The objective was to create a brand identity that conveys TCFA’s dedication to clean fuels and its impact on transportation and environmental sustainability. The logo should symbolize Texas’s leadership in clean energy and the state’s unique resources and opportunities.

Objective: Develop a brand identity that reflects the organization's commitment to clean energy and Texas' leadership in this area.

Process: We explored symbols that represent Texas and clean energy. The process involved sketches and digital mockups, refining the logo based on feedback.

Solution: The final logo incorporates the outline of Texas, filled with a clean split of blue and white colors symbolizing purity, energy, and optimism. A red star, a common element in Texan iconography, is strategically placed to denote energy and action, positioned at a point that could represent the heart of Texas’ energy landscape. 

The typography is bold and straightforward, ensuring legibility and impact, with a tagline that clearly communicates the alliance’s mission.

Project - Texas Clean Fuels Alliance Logo & Branding
Category - Energy/Sustainability
Services - Advocacy, Education, Infrastructure


Texas Clean Fuels Alliance — Logo & Brand Identity

Texas Clean Fuels Alliance — Logo & Brand Identity

The Texas Clean Fuels Alliance is dedicated to promoting clean transportation solutions in Texas. They focus on clean energy technologies and in 자세히 보기
