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Blink Brand Identity

Blink is a dynamic fintech brand dedicated to transforming the way people interact with their finances. With a focus on speed, simplicity, and security, we aim to make financial transactions effortless for everyone. With innovative solutions, such as instant payments and seamless NFC phone transactions, allow users to manage their money quickly and efficiently.

We believe that managing finances shouldn't be complicated or time-consuming. That's why we've designed our platform to be intuitive and user-friendly, enabling customers to tap, pay, and manage their accounts with ease. From paying for products in-store to sending money to friends or family, Blink offers a smooth and reliable experience.

Blink's Brand Identity

Blink's brand identity is designed to communicate speed, innovation, and reliability. The logo features two rectangles with slanted edges, creating a unique geometric shape that resembles a lowercase "b." This design suggests forward motion and quickness, aligning with the brand's commitment to providing fast and seamless financial transactions.
The brand's color includes deep navy blue and light grayish-blue. The deep navy blue conveys stability, trust, and professionalism, serving as a solid foundation for Blink's visual identity. Meanwhile, the light grayish-blue adds a touch of modernity and clarity, reinforcing the brand's user-friendly approach to fintech.

The chosen typography, Titillium, is characterized by clean lines and balanced letterforms, reflecting a contemporary aesthetic. This typeface enhances the brand's commitment to clarity and approachability, contributing to a cohesive and professional visual identity.
Overall, Blink represents a new era in fintech, where speed and simplicity meet security and reliability. The brand's design elements—logo, color palette, and typography—work together to create a sense of trust and innovation. This cohesive identity allows Blink to deliver a seamless financial experience, emphasizing fast payments, instant transactions, and user-friendly account management. With a focus on customer needs and technological advancements, Blink aims to redefine the way people interact with their finances.

The Expression

Blink's brand expression is captured through dynamic images and illustrations that emphasize speed, while incorporating a color palette of deep navy blue for stability and light grayish-blue for modernity, all supported by clear, straightforward typography using Titillium, reinforcing the brand's commitment to both efficiency and security in fintech.

Blink Brand Identity


Blink Brand Identity
