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Sprouty - Plant Care App

Introduction and Background
With the increase in people's love and cultivation of green plants, plant care has become a topic of great concern. Spending long periods of time in indoor spaces can bring about some negative emotions, and plants can relieve stress, promote mental health, and increase feelings of well-being. However, due to a lack of experience and knowledge among many plant enthusiasts, improper care can cause plants to wilt or die. 

Common difficulties people face when caring for plants include not knowing how to determine a plant’s light and water needs, how to identify plant diseases and insect pests, and picking the right soil . Existing solutions include books, online forums, and video tutorials, but these resources often require users to spend a lot of time and energy searching and reading, and the information may not be intuitive or personalized enough. Additionally, because there are so many types of plants, identifying and understanding the care needs of each plant can be a daunting task for beginners. 
Design an application that can meet users' plant care needs, provide users with comprehensive plant care solutions, and promote interaction and communication among plant lovers.
Design thinking process
Secondary research
User Research
Affinity Diagramming
· Plants can bring positive emotions to people
· How to water correctly and ensure watering on time are the main problems faced by users
· Users generally want to know more about plant care in order to better care for plants.
· Users hope to identify plant diseases and provide professional solutions through the application
· People almost always record the growth of their plants, for example by taking photos
· They hope to have a platform that allows them to communicate and share their plant and care experiences with other plant lovers
Empathy Map
User Persona
User Journey Map
Competitor Analysis
Key findings
· There are currently some plant care apps on the market, but most of them have imperfect functions.
· The personalized services of some plant care apps may not be sufficient, and they only provide general care suggestions and cannot meet the personalized needs of users.
· Some apps lack community function
· The app should provide users with a personalized experience, enhance users’ sense of interaction with plants, create a plant community, and ensure usability.
Lo-Fi prototype
                                          Information Architecture
                                                  Future work
In the future, the application functions should be optimized. The plant care app has certain advantages in meeting the user's plant care needs, but there are still some areas that need improvement. Through continuous optimization and improvement work, the user experience of the application will be further enhanced and better product value will be achieved.
Sprouty - Plant Care App
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Sprouty - Plant Care App

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