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The Coco’s Tale

Book Cover Design for "The Coco’s Tale"
Poetry book by Ali Asadollahi
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"The Coco’s Tale" is an allegorical poem written by Ali Asadollahi in 2019. It was inspired by the author's experience of watching cockfighting and the subculture surrounding it. n addition, the historical burden of bird stories from "The Conference of the Birds" By Farid Attar to Tondarkia's falcons and Nima Yooshij's brilliant poems, such as "Phoenix" and "Crow", has also added the possibility of an intertextual reading to these texts. In this book, the reader follows the fate of a fighting cockerel from the moment of its life, embryo, and hatching to the moment of its death. "Lalaki" is the name of the fighting cock in this poem. The poet himself writes in the introduction to the book: "... the effort was to look at the epic of birds with a realistic view and to reach a tragedy."
In designing this book, I tried to transform this allegorical expression and this movement from epic to tragedy into an image using the most concise visual elements and choosing a limited color palette of black, red, and white. By intertwining, or rather, by appropriating the title and iconic image of the rooster, I have created a movement from text to image.
The Coco’s Tale

The Coco’s Tale
