Evgeniia Egorova 的个人资料

Animation created for a online parking booking company

Future of Parking Reservations: An Animated Vision
Welcome to a showcase of a dynamic animation project crafted for a leading online parking reservation company. This presentation highlights my role in creating an engaging explainer video that illustrates the seamless integration of technology and user experience in the evolving world of online parking.
Working through an agency that provided initial illustrations, I took the initiative to add additional animations, particularly focusing on the website interaction segment. My goal was to enhance the viewer's engagement through innovative scene transitions and a detailed portrayal of the online service.
Animation: Leveraged existing illustrations to create fluid animations that bring the digital parking experience to life. I introduced additional animations to highlight website interactions, ensuring each sequence was both informative and captivating.

Transitions: Designed unique transitions between scenes to provide a smooth narrative flow, making the video more dynamic and appealing.

Sound Design: After completing the animations, I selected appropriate sound effects and licensed music to complement the visual content, enriching the overall sensory experience.

Editing: Compiled and edited the final video, optimizing it for clarity and impact. Also created lighter, shorter versions specifically tailored for social media platforms to maximize reach and engagement.
The project was completed in just a few days without any revisions, a testament to the precision and effectiveness of the initial concept and execution. The client received a polished final product that was immediately ready for deployment.
Interested in transforming your company's services into a visually engaging story? Contact me to discuss how we can bring your project to life with compelling animations that captivate and communicate effectively.
Animation created for a online parking booking company


Animation created for a online parking booking company
