Brand Identity Development for Prasasta

Prasasta, situated in the lively Lifestyle hub of Kawi, Kuningan, is dedicated to personal betterment. From having a great, inspiring meal with your support system friends to having a session of yoga or meditation practice, Prasasta promises the best ways to meet the better version of yourself.
The logo mark draws inspiration from the anatomy of the water lily, symbolizing rebirth, peace, and enlightenment. The symmetrical shape signifies Prasasta as a place that fosters holistic well-being, guiding individuals towards a path of improved physical and spiritual living.
Once upon a time, two young men named Ro and Raga embarked on a quest to find the Island of Prasasta, rumored to offer eternal peace. Raga protected his light within his heart, relying on his intellect and physical strength, while Ro safeguarded his light by absorbing it into his mind as a third eye.
They journeyed on, Raga through winding forests and Ro across endless plains. Exhausted, they reunited in the dark night, their inner lights dimming. Just as they nearly gave up, the rising sun's light inspired them to reconcile. Their inner lights merged, becoming fireflies that led them to Prasasta.

Upon reaching the island, Ro and Raga worked together to build a long and beautiful bridge to the mainland, allowing everyone to find the Island of Prasasta and live eternally and peacefully alongside them.
The logo type draws inspiration from Aksara Kawi, an ancestor of traditional Indonesian scripts found on Prasasti stones. Through studying its characteristics, we interpreted them into Latin typography, focusing on achieving harmony through a balanced interplay of thick and thin strokes, a curvy type structure, an open form, and linear contours to complement its curves.
Expanding on the concept of self-discovery, we've created Prasasta's social media to exude a serene and tranquil ambiance. Utilizing light and minimalist layout, our aim is to instill a sense of calmness, enticing users to embark on their personal journey towards self-improvement.
We were also entrusted with the development of the building's wayfinding system, to ensure smooth navigation for visitors. To kickstart this process, we meticulously designed and created mockups of the signage to be installed on the premises, carefully considering both functionality and aesthetic appeal.
In collaboration with Platform, the architect studio responsible for designing the building, we engaged in a collaborative process to ensure that the wayfinding system not only functions effectively but also harmonizes with the overall concept and ambiance of the structure.
Deed Team
Art Director // Silvia Isabella
Graphic Designer // Ahmad Ghazali, Silvia Isabella
Illustrator // Caroline Amelia
Animator // Raldina Azzahra & Jesse Ferhat 
Brand Strategist // Adrianus Killian
Photographer // Refi Fahreza
Supporting Illustrator // Yulio Darmawan

Building designed by Platform 
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Brand Identity Development for Prasasta Prasasta, situated in the lively Lifestyle hub of Kawi, Kuningan, is dedicated to personal betterment. F Ver mais

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