Kateryna Ohnyva 的个人资料

Blossom Expo Branding

Brand & Concept
Blossom Expo is a floristry conference aimed at sharing the modern techniques, inspiring the professionals and those curious 
about floristry. The brand is characterized as vivid, contemporary and neat. Its visual identity blends vibrant colors, dynamic shapes and Swiss typography to convey the event's solemnity and nature's energy. The key elements include a distinctive logo with cursive lettering, versatile flower-like shapes and a nature-inspired pattern. All of these radiate the brand’s character and values.

Ideation & Decision-making
After properly studying the brand’s character, I’ve elaborated some flower-like variable shapes that are adjustable to the format they are placed. To diversify the typography, I went for some cursive letters in the beginning of the words. An appropriate font was found, and every letter was precisely modified by me to suit the Switzer font. I’ve made this a consistent technique throughout the branding. Talking about the pattern depicted above, it acts as a powerful background that looks natural and unique. The colors are alluding to the nature, while also being vibrant and saturated to maintain the cheerful mood of the brand.​​​​​​​

Blossom Expo Branding


Blossom Expo Branding
