Weighted Blanket 
Advertisement - Arch Viz
Promotional material that was developed based on client specifications. The project includes one animated visualization designed for a YouTube Advertisement and three distinct Still renders.

The interior scene was crafted using a combination of assets from libraries and custom models, with the weighted blanket being fully procedural (cloth-sim, etc). 
All media was rendered using Blender Cycles (AgX configuration), with the whole process incorporating an EXR & Cryptomatte workflow. Post-production compositing and editing was forwarded to DaVinci Resolve. Additionally, certain elements of the still renders were enhanced using AI prompting (SDXL).
Weighted Blanket Advertisement - Arch Viz


Weighted Blanket Advertisement - Arch Viz

Project consists of a created promotional material, including a commercial, for client’s weighted blanket. The crafted images and video are set w Развернуть
