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Know about Productivity Solutions Grant in Singapore

Things to Know before Leveraging the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) in Singapore

Most business owners and marketers can agree that Singapore is a mile in front when bidding to expedite digital transformation to enter a future that counts on cutting-edge technologies. You’d be surprised to learn that Singapore offers a host of financial assistive grants to local companies which adopt technological solutions.

One of the many government-aided SME marketing solutions in Singapore is the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG). The PSG grantis a grant that sponsors organizations willing to deploy equipment and IT solutions to elevate their existing businesses processes to be faster, better and more relevant.

As long as you meet the eligibility criteria, you just have to visit the Go Business website and start the application process. Having said that, here are a few things you should know before leveraging the Productivity Solutions Grant.

Benefits of the PSG Grant
The PSG grant digital marketing is a fund that either covers the equipment or IT solutions that you’re willing to employ in your business. It is worth mentioning that sector-specific solutions can be claimed under certain regulations including software and hardware that are applicable for industrial genres such as tourism, media, healthcare, precision engineering and landscaping industries, to mention a few.

Moreover, the PSG grant covers solutions that are developed to optimize businesses functional growth such as inventory tracking, customer management and financial management. Plus, the grant also funds data analytics and operations management.

Number of PSG Grant Applications
You’d be surprised to learn that you can submit more than one application for the PSG digital marketing government funding, yet it depends on your business needs. But the financial support can only be offered to a single package per solution category to one deployment location.

In the event that you apply for the same IT solution for the same deployment location for a second time your application will definitely be invalidated and not processed. When filling applications to employ remote workspaces, you as well apply for a single solution per category, either virtual meeting tools or online collaboration tools.

Taking advantage of the Productivity Solutions Grants is among the best decisions you can make when looking forward to driving business growth. It narrows to understanding what this grant is all about before deciding on anything. Hopefully, this simple guide can help ensure you get the most from what this grant offers.
Know about Productivity Solutions Grant in Singapore

Know about Productivity Solutions Grant in Singapore


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