Profil Bettina Boros

Danse Macabre Popup illustrations

György Faludy's poem follows the traditions of the medieval danse macabre. In the poem, Death visits members of the medieval society, invites them to a dance, and in the end takes them to his world. The illustration series was made during my semester spent at KASK in Ghent.
The Emperor
The Doctor
                                                                                             The Child
                                                                                       The Prostitute
The Banker
The Dame
The Alchemist
The Bishop
The Peasant
 I tried to figure out a looser style for my popup illustrations to György Faludy's Haláltánc ballada. I copied some of the works of great artists to explore ways to play with fills and lines, including Jacob van Ruisdael; William Hogarth; Rembrandt, Emma Heinzelmann, and Randall Casaer, whose art I met in the Gravensteen in Ghent.
The first popups served as both technical and stylictic experiments.
Tests for the final colors. I chose the latter because of its dark mood and rustic sepia tones.
 I used small models to try out the fold types and find the right proportions.
Danse Macabre Popup illustrations

Danse Macabre Popup illustrations


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