Profil appartenant à Shreeya Sawant

mCaffeine - Advertisement Campaign


About Product/ Brand/ Service:
Mcaffeine is a skin care brand founded in 2016 in India.they promote self care through their products. mCaffeine make products which are rich in caffeine from coffee, green tea, kombucha, cocoa and more, as caffeine is extremely beneficial for good skin. caffeine is very good source of tan removal, getting rid of dull skin and many skin problems.

mCaffeine USP’s:
mCaffeine makes products helps remove tan and exfoliates skin.
mCaffiene products help to get rid of dead skin and makes it look hydrate.
These products are not made for any specific gender so everyone can buy them.

Creative idea used for this campaign: ​​​​​​​
The average score on our Self Love Index was just 53 on a scale of 0-100. This means that nearly 1 in 2 people around the world feel more self-doubt than self-love. Self love / Self Pamper is a necessity of today’s world. A person should take care of themselves, to express this message a selfcare brand as a mCaffeine is a perfect brand. Selflove is the topic which is highly relatable by target audience, a person can get motivated by this concept to take care of themselves.

Teaser Series 
Magazine Advertisement Series
Quarter Size Press Advertisement
Vertical Press Advertisement
Bus Shelter Advertisement
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mCaffeine - Advertisement Campaign
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mCaffeine - Advertisement Campaign

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