Newol - Creative Agency

Newol is not just a film studio. It's a cosmic journey through the universe of cinematic creation.

Their adventure goes beyond simply making films—it's a deep dive into the imaginative realm of storytelling and creativity. With every movie they create, they're venturing into uncharted territories, discovering new stories and connecting with people on a cosmic level.

Their goal isn't just to make movies; it's to create experiences that touch hearts and captivate minds across the galaxy.

Left: Home page design.   Right: Studio page design.

Editorial poster design.

Left: Business card design.   Right: Editorial poster design.

Editorial poster design + Business card design.

Left: Editorial poster design.   Right: Contact page design + business card design.

Work page detail with various projects shown.

We're open to new projects at Emele Collab Creative Studio

Newol - Creative Agency

Newol - Creative Agency
