Profilo di Nicholas Rondilone

Spessartine and Quartz on Microcline

Bright Orange Spessartine Garnets and Quartz on Microcline Matrix
Tiny bright orange and red manganese-aluminum spessartine garnets and smokey quartz on microcline matrix. Specimen mined at The Wushan Spessartine Mine, Tongbei, Yunxiao Co., Zhangzhou, Fujian, China. Photographs shot with Helicon Remote on my Canon 70D, focus stacked in Helicon Focus, and "developed" in Adobe Lightroom Classic.
Dimensions: 20.5 mm x 13.7 mm x 7.8 mm
Field of View: 28.0 mm
Largest Crystal Size: 4 mm
Weight: 1.7 g

⬆ 31 Photographs Stacked ⬆

⬆ 30 Photographs Focus Stacked ⬆

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Spessartine and Quartz on Microcline


Spessartine and Quartz on Microcline

Beautiful little bright orange and red manganese-aluminum spessartine garnets and smokey quartz crystals on microcline matrix. Specimen mined at Leggi di più
