Irene Salcedo 的个人资料

Wonder Woman Illustration Poster Design

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman, a superheroine created by American psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston alongside artist Harry G. Peter in 1941, stands as one of the most beloved and iconic heroes in the DC universe. Blessed with the strength of Hercules and the wisdom of Athena, she tirelessly fights against injustice and serves as an inspiration for a world free from war and violence, symbolizing hope and peace to people worldwide.

During the 1950s, women's rights were still minimal. They were not allowed to make contracts, own property, or join politics, and in most situations, they had little control over their earnings. Therefore, I wanted to create a poster design to encourage women and commemorate all those women who have been fighting for their rights.

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Wonder Woman Illustration Poster Design


Wonder Woman Illustration Poster Design
