Oracle of Darklings | interactive Installation

"The Oracle of Darklings" is a multi-screen audio-visual installation that immerses audience in speculative narratives. The oracles offers prophesies of entities that inhabit a world devastated by climate collapse, and their experiences are presented as prophetic insights into our current reality. The installation comprises short visual and sonic simulations, accessible through a techno-biophilic oracle, offering glimpses into the lives of these beings and the potential futures they may inhabit.

Designed by Sagar Bhat, Sabina Oțelea, Shiqing Ge, and Ren Han, the installation was exhibited at the prestigious Science Gallery in London in March 2024 as part of the MA Interaction Design program at the University of the Arts London, London College of Communication.

MA interaction Design 2023-24 | University of Arts London
Documentation shot by Sabina Oțelea and Shiqing Ge
Photo credits: Gonçalo Lopes and Anna Dießner

Oracle of Darklings | interactive Installation

Oracle of Darklings | interactive Installation

The Oracle of Darklings is an interactive installation that invites visitors to engage with a techno-biophilic oracle. By presenting an offering 阅读更多内容
