Client: Wonderland Healing Center (Koh Phangan, Thailand)

The client desired to leave a lasting and positive impact on meditation retreat participants and personalize their experience beyond the standard souvenir goody bag. They sought a creative solution that would spark self-reflection and encourage participants to connect with their deeper selves.


The challenge was clear: how to infuse the experience with a sense of positivity and self-reflection. Recognizing the power of words to inspire and uplift, I proposed the concept of the campaign "Which 'Phile'
Are You?"

• Developed a series of 15 aesthetically pleasing cards, each featuring a different word ending in "phile" that describes a unique love or appreciation. Examples include Bibliophile (lover of books), Naturephile (lover of nature), and Wanderphile (lover of wandering).

• Each card incorporated a heart shape as the base and utilized distinct colors, shapes, and visuals to visually and minimally represent the specific meaning of the word.

• Participants were invited to choose the card that best resonated with their personal values and passions, encouraging introspection and self-discovery.

• This innovative approach offered a personalized and meaningful takeaway item, fostering a deeper connection between participants and their retreat experience.

That's how I came up with and created a visually engaging experience that would empower participants to choose a word that spoke to their individual journey. The heart-shaped tiles served as a tangible reminder of their self-discovery, adding a touch of warmth and personalization to their meditation experience.

The "Which 'Phile' are You?" campaign proved highly successful, exceeding client expectations. Participants embraced the concept, actively engaging with the cards and finding personal connection to their chosen "phile." This creative solution not only provided a unique souvenir but also fostered self-reflection and positive reinforcement, adding a significant value to the Wonderland Healing Center meditation retreat experience.

The concept of utilizing "phile" words and the core creative direction for the campaign originated entirely from my initiative and pitch. My innovative approach and design expertise were instrumental in the success of this project - as it left the participants with a meaningful and memorable takeaway that resonated long after their meditation session and wellness retreat ended.
Game Card Design


Game Card Design
