Profil Ca Nguyen

Flora Store - C.M.S. Multi-page Responsive Website


In this final project, I'm tasked with deepening my understanding of web design by creating a multi-page website using the Wix Editor. I'm encouraged to conduct research and seek inspiration rather than simply copying ideas, emphasizing the importance of originality in my design approach. Throughout the project, I'm reminded of the distinctions between web and print design, and I'm introduced to the Wix CMS, known for its user-friendly interface and design flexibility.


The goal of this final project is to deepen our understanding of web design through the creation of a multi-page website using the Wix Editor. Emphasizing originality, we aim to conduct thorough research and seek inspiration rather than resorting to copying ideas. We strive to grasp the nuances between web and print design while mastering the utilization of the Wix CMS, renowned for its user-friendly interface and design flexibility. 

Our objective is to move beyond mere template utilization, recognizing that while convenient, templates may not yield visually appealing outcomes. Instead, we endeavor to harness our design skills to develop a website that effectively communicates its message. By focusing on key concepts such as typography, hierarchy, and copywriting/problem-solving skills, we aim to ensure clarity and efficacy in our website's messaging, ultimately showcasing our proficiency in web design principles and our capacity to apply them in real-world scenarios.


Wireframe Development:

I'm embarking on designing a website for a flower shop called Flora, aiming to evoke an elegant and cozy atmosphere that exudes luxury. To ensure a cohesive online presence, I meticulously documented all the necessary functions and information I envisioned for the website. Beginning with a blank template, I sketched out the layout for each page, ensuring a logical flow and seamless connection between elements. This process allowed me to tailor the website's design to suit the ambiance of the store and effectively convey its unique charm and offerings. 

Additionally, I abstained from using pre-made templates, opting instead to develop the wireframes from scratch. By doing so, I was able to craft a bespoke design that truly reflects the essence of Flora and ensures a tailored user experience. Below, I've included images and screenshots of the wireframes, along with notes detailing the design decisions and considerations made throughout the development process. If applicable, I also created a sitemap to provide a visual representation of the website's structure and navigation flow. 


wireframes sketches

WIX Page Builds:

With the foundation laid by the wireframes, I delved into bringing the actual layout to life on Wix, ensuring each element aligned seamlessly with the envisioned design. I meticulously added text and image frames, strategically placing them to enhance visual appeal and maintain a logical flow throughout the website. 

color palette and fonts used

Drawing inspiration from Flora's brand identity, I incorporated the designated font and color palette, ensuring consistency and reinforcing the luxury theme. Every design choice was made with the goal of captivating visitors and providing an immersive browsing experience that reflects the elegance and warmth of Flora's physical store. Below, I've included screenshots of the development process, showcasing my journey from conceptualization to execution, and highlighting the custom elements created to elevate the website's aesthetic and functionality.

home page design

service page design

about page design


For the optimal experience, please click the link below.


Through this project, I've gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of web design and the creative process. Working with the Wix Editor, I honed technical skills such as layout creation, image and text manipulation, and color palette integration. By leveraging these tools, I was able to translate wireframe concepts into polished, cohesive web pages. Moreover, I learned the importance of user engagement considerations, such as intuitive navigation and visually compelling elements, to enhance the overall browsing experience. This project challenged my mindset by emphasizing the need for originality and creativity in design, rather than relying solely on pre-made templates. It highlighted the power of customization and the ability to tailor every aspect of the website to align with Flora's brand identity and aesthetic. Overall, this experience broadened my understanding of graphic design and reinforced the significance of thoughtful design choices in creating impactful digital experiences.

Flora Store - C.M.S. Multi-page Responsive Website


Flora Store - C.M.S. Multi-page Responsive Website
