Project Statement

        This project involved creating two Public Service Announcement posters and four advertisements. The posters are a series advocating for the same cause, and the advertisements are based on the two posters. The posters and advertisements contain a fact, a Call to Action, and imagery. The imagery can be created using photographs or illustrations made in Adobe Illustrator. The advertisements are in four different formats: a color print ad, a black and white print ad, a social media ad, and a web ad. Sophie Lesko did her project about forest fire prevention. She created two designs about how fireworks and campfires can cause wildfires. 
        She created most of the posters' designs in Adobe Illustrator because they are easier to make out from a distance than an image would be. These designs are also more eye-catching than an image alone. She also incorporated an image of smoke to add a textural element to her designs. She used vibrant colors to grab the viewer's attention, but she also kept a coherent color scheme throughout both posters. She leads the viewers' eye to the Call to Action at the bottom of the posters by making the text a vibrant orange to match the flames. Sophie chose Neulis Sans for all the text in her posters. She chose this font because it is modern and does not distract from the imagery. She utilizes the different weights of this font to show hierarchy and to lead the eye. She also made the most important words in her facts a bigger size so that she could lead the viewers' eyes with its contrast. The facts she used for both posters were short, concise, and included a shocking element to grab the viewers' attention. 
PSA Poster Design Sketches
Previous Versions
Final Designs and Prototype
Fireworks, Campfire, Prototype
PSA Poster Series

PSA Poster Series
