Perfil de Alexi Kolick

Event Poster and Socials

Poster and Socials Project
For this project, I needed to make an eye-catching poster with 3 corresponding social media posts.  I decided to create a punk rock music festival event for my project. I enjoy the punk rock scene and I love the messiness of it. My favorite is when magazine cutouts are used and the design looks like a collage.  The expected audience for this event would be angsty people who enjoy punk pop rock bands. the obnoxious color of pink is eye-catching and flashy which also represents the fashion of punk. They are known to stick out in a crowd in public. I would also say this would reach elder emo's as well because of the iconic saying "It's not a phase mom" and the hanging Converse since every emo owns a pair. Originally I had a completely different approach. I was going to use a black background with florals burnt into it and a cut out of a wolf with the title appearing to come out of his mouth. The final design started as a what-if sort of thing however I liked it so much that I continued to develop it into what it is now and scrapped the other one. The thing I learned during this was the importance of making small goals throughout your project. Having the milestones to complete this helped keep me accountable and maybe it was because if I didn't hold to them I'd get a late grade but I was always on track.
Event Poster and Socials
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Event Poster and Socials

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