Bistro in Podil
Typology: Interior
Status: Concept
Location: Kyiv
Design: Sergey Palin
Vizualisation: Sergey Palin

Loft style has always had a special allure, and when combined with the atmosphere and spirit of Podil in Kyiv, it creates a unique space for meetings, work, and culinary enjoyment.
Our project, interior design for urban cafe, embodies this modern and stylish approach to cafe design. Located in the heart of Podil, our cafe blends elements of industrial design with the comfort and coziness, creating a distinctive atmospheric experience for guests. 

Our goal was to create a cozy space while preserving a piece of history from the old building. We experimented with lighting to achieve a warm atmosphere while retaining the old walls that were present in the space.

If you'd like to order the project, feel free to send me a private message or our web site  with the details. I'm here to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

Cafe Bistro in Podil
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Cafe Bistro in Podil

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