Henkilön Luciano Koenig Dupont profiili

"Les Sapeurs, The Dandies of Congo"

"Les Sapeurs, The Dandies of Congo"

Welcome to "Les Sapeurs, The Dandies of Congo," a series of images capturing the unparalleled elegance and style of Congolese sapeurs. These men, known as sapeurs (Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes), have elevated the art of dressing to an extraordinary level amidst often challenging circumstances. This series represents a free reinterpretation of its distinctive fashion and cultural expression.
One Eyeland Curated AI Gallery
"Les Sapeurs, The Dandies of Congo"

Concept / Art Direction / AI
Luciano Koenig Dupont
Post Production & Retouch
Luciano Koenig Studio

Galerie d´art 3838
New York / Miami / Puerto Rico
Abbey International
Sfera Production Agency

"Les Sapeurs, The Dandies of Congo"


"Les Sapeurs, The Dandies of Congo"
