In the dimly lit compartment of an antique submersible vessel, the dull mechanical hum was accompanied by an eerie silence between the two unlikely travelers. One, a cyborg figure with gleaming brass augmentations fused into its humanoid form, sat impassively while its glowing ocular sensors studied the other passenger - an aged, ghostly figure clad in a tattered suit, his withered features barely concealing the spark of life that still burned behind those sunken eyes. 
As the vessel creaked and groaned through the abyssal depths, the tension between this bizarre pairing of artificial and decrepit hung thick in the air. What unfathomable purpose or unspoken pact had brought them together on this enigmatic voyage? The cyborg's metallic digits twitched almost imperceptibly, as if calculating the inscrutable mysteries lingering within the hushed confines of their strange, submersible world.
The Assignation...

The Assignation...
