Perfil de Gabriel Sá StudioPerfil de Débora Lemos

Burger King® Tray Mat

Burger King® Tray Mat

Project developed for the Burger King restaurant chain in Brazil. The aim is to inform customers about the benefits of the BK app, using playful language that brings them closer to the brand.

Illustration - Gabriel Sá Studio
Art Direction - Gabriel Sá
Photography - Débora Lemos
Assistant photographer - Paula Marcuzzo
Capture/Production - Cynthia Carvalho
Trade - Filipe Costa Salgado | Daniela de Camargo Barros | Ingrid Rodrigues | Júlia Morais | Paulo Henrique Maioli
Quality - Guilherme Mariano da Silva 
Purchasing - Vinicius Batista Raposo | Layla Georgia da Silva Barbosa | Juliana Medeiros Dos Santos
Planning - Gislaine Aparecida Izaias do Carmo

Year : 2024


Burger King® Tray Mat
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Burger King® Tray Mat

Project developed for the Burger King restaurant chain in Brazil. The aim is to inform customers about the benefits of the BK app, using playful Ver mais

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