Henkilön Ali Ayoub profiili

Legal POV Branding

Legal POV Brand

Legal POV is a nonprofit youth initiative dedicated to spreading legal literacy in simple terms, combating misinformation, and empowering law students for the job market.

Throughout my time working on this project, it held significant personal meaning for me as a law student navigating the challenges of my major. It felt like an opportunity to contribute to a cause that could potentially ease the journey for future law students like myself. 

In my approach to building their brand, I focused on three key elements: law, innovation, and online presence. The logo embodies these messages clearly; the light bulb symbolizes the innovative spirit of youth in the legal field, the hammer represents the strength of the law, and the mouse click signifies the online accessibility of the platform.

It was truly a rewarding experience that such a meaningful project was my 1st.
Designing for me isn't just about a career, it's about pouring my heart & soul into every project. I truly believe that branding is an art, a captivating way to tell stories and share messages that resonate deeply. Let's join forces and ensure your voice is heard loud & clear.
Reach out now, and let's create something unforgettable together!

Legal POV Branding


Legal POV Branding
