Collection 1 
Oil paintings done in march, april 2024
based on my subconscious mind, emotions, observations.
the style used are renaissance sfumato, abstraction, cubism, surrealism, dark, sad,
divine reach, blues, yellows, and warm green.

medium - oil color on paper.

"Sick cat"
" Sick cat" is a painting in oil medium on paper , with a acrylic prime layer between color and paper and matte finish applied on top after dry process.
Inspiration - Da vinci"s Sfumato technique , chapel painted by michaelangelo , surrealism By Dali.
These great masters have always been my inspiration since childhood.
Visual - The visual created here is a result of pouring my pure subconscious thoughts on paper, Just painting as the mind tells, however i prefer looking many visuals day before starting a painting. The painting here is dedicated to my love of the mysterious and magical beings cats. it shows a cat which is sick , two fishes weeping and a whimsical bowl of semitransparent milk with a weird texture of fish. The sick cat is my favorite visual , it represents every human including me .Fish crying represent the real ones we always keep fighting our entire life, even hurt and eat big chunks of their happiness from their life's, torture them with bad behaviour, but they are the ones always cared for us. The half transparent bowl of silky milk represents the unconscious and conscious mind, dreaming of all loving things by our mind ,during illness. All is created with pure intutions and love for cat.
this painting might be a fusion of realism , surrealism, abstraction

" mindscape - catscape" is a painting in oil medium on paper , with a acrylic prime layer between color and paper and matte finish applied on top after dry process.
Inspiration - Da vinci"s Sfumato technique , chapel painted by michaelangelo , Impressionism by Van gogh, surrealism By Dali.
These great masters have always been my inspiration since childhood.
Visual - The visual created here is a result of pouring my pure subconscious thoughts on paper, Just painting as the mind tells, however i prefer looking many visuals day before starting a painting. The Landscape here is dedicated to my love of the mysterious and magical beings cats. You can find a cat or two if you closely look .Here i have intenionally created muted and tonal colored flowy landscapes and some faces hidden in it. all is created with pure intutions and love for cat.
this painting might be a fusion of realism , surrealism, art nouveau, impressionism, abstraction​​​​​​​

Every artwork is a gods gift to me so is this one. If the god had wished, I wouldn't have seen, felt anything but because of his input , I'm able to do it every artwork is gods gift to me .
My every artwork is based on the subconscious mind and daily feelings and emotions the trigger happy , sad, energetic, otherwordly visuals in my mind , I try very hard to capture these on the paper.
Currently i have been working in traditional media like oil colors, poster colors, acrylic colors and it feels like these are the door to greatness in art.
Im heavily inspired by Renaissance masters like Da vinci, Michaelangelo, carvaggio , Jan van eyck , and Dali, mondrian etc and countless masters.
I really wish to bring the old rendering masters technique in my art .
I decided to do original art on paper , because it is more rare and hard to replicate than the digital art. and also we can explore in great depths with brushes and color techniques unlike in digital art

" Composition" is a painting in oil medium on paper , with a acrylic prime layer between color and paper and matte finish applied on top after dry process.
Inspiration - Cubism, modern art, beauty of green, Ornaments, ornate things, shapes, values, tones, depth in visual space.
Visual - The visual created here is a result of pouring my pure subconscious thoughts on paper, Just painting as the mind tells, however i prefer looking many visuals day before starting a painting. The Main aim here was to kee creating depth with the green and its tonal colors to a point to look soft and aesthetic and pleasing to eyes with a intricate focal element shaped in some kind of ornamental form with blue as its accent color to show its rareity, focal look and its magnetism to attract the viewer.Here i have intenionally created muted and tonal colored soft depths and gradients and some faces hidden in it. all is created with pure intutions and love for green and shapes and tones
this painting might be a fusion of art nouveau, cubism, abstraction

"Mysubconscious "
This painting is the mirror to my subconscious world. In this painting, the creature sitting below is us, one with all flaws, perfections and imperfections , having single and multiple personalities , throughout its lifetimes, however in all this materialistic journey , our spiritual journey remains from starting, the journey towards wisdom, towards the divine, towards the ultimate truth - god. the imaginary characteristics of the animal represent the various delusions the body is living in its lifetimes spanning various births, however not being able to realise our true self. When god tries to see at us we face somewhere else, and when we try to look at god , its too late , however its never too late to understand ourselves. all the best all my art viewers on their spiritual and materialistic journey .
I'm very much inspired by the old masters da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and all renaissance art for this art .they are my guiding light towards the art I wish to achieve along with a combo of abstraction

For any enquiries , contact me here or on my email id -
Paintings collection-1


Paintings collection-1
