Emilia Skwarskas profil

"Powroty" – printmaking, master diploma

Artist's Book Studio, Academy of Arts and Design in Wroclaw

"Skrzydła i lot – wyższe stany bytu" ("Wings and flight – higher states of being") The second part of the exhibition is more personal and refers to one's own interpretation of bird symbolism in culture.The series of graphics is based on personal observations of birds and feelings, as well as the available knowledge about them. It's a part full of emotions and warmth, but also containing elements of darkness and mysterious fairy tales. 

Larger etchings depict birds in their environment, usually in places inaccessible and unfriendly to humans, such as a deep forests, thorny thickets, or an ocean storm. Smaller graphics are intimate portraits of characters, showing their emotions up close. They resemble romantic polaroids or photos from a photo booth, with a small format and tight, cozy frames.

The graphics were made using intaglio printing techniques, mainly etching and aquatint. 
These are traditional techniques dating back to the 15th and 18th centuries. They involve drawing with a needle on a metal plate, followed by etching the drawing in acid. Thanks to the matrix, the graphic can be printed multiple times, but each time it requires a lot of work and effort, and the effect obtained on each print is unique.

The graphics series were adapted in the Museums' exhibitions, hanged between the exhibits.

Obrona i wernisaż – fotorelacja
"Powroty" – printmaking, master diploma


"Powroty" – printmaking, master diploma


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