Профиль Nishi Praveen

Thesis: Sanitation as an Infrastructure P2

Bangalore is a city in south India, known as the garden city or Silicon Valley of the country. The city is rapidly growing both in population (new immigrants) and in its urban context (infrastructure). Toilets, however, remain the lowest priority in this urban regeneration. Malleshwaram, the neighbourhood I am looking at is a comparatively older neighbourhood in the North of the city that is currently undergoing rapid changes. There are traditional temples and street markets but also commercial high-rise apartments and offices. As such, the neighbourhood is a blend of tradition with modernism. For my project I chose two high traffic areas of the neighbourhoo:, a market street and a temple street. 
The washrooms being introduced not only have to built within a low budget but also need seamlessly connecting the urban landscape with its social context, to transform the washroom into an inclusive space accessible to all. I also categorised my design tenets into 4 themes that look at aesthetics, well-being, social integration and facilities. Combining these the washroom can be seen a modular unit that gets repeated with the skin being more contextual. The washroom stall is a 2m x 2m with a small addition of vegetation within the space to help purify the air and reduce bad odour. The units are repeated into gendered and non-gendered stalls. 
Thesis: Sanitation as an Infrastructure P2


Thesis: Sanitation as an Infrastructure P2
