Sofia R F sin profil

Tom the Faery - PNGtuber

Tom The Faery
Demo Reel
Sketch and Moodboard with artwork from other artits
Happy and Sad
Angry and Determined
Motion Tracking
Tom the PNGTuber

What is a PNGTuber?
A PNGTuber is a digital character brought to life through animations, commonly used in videos, live streams, and presentations to add personality and dynamism.

The creation process: 
Tom's character is inspired by the faeries that live on our yards. Tom loves hanging around humans and listening to music, particularly David Bowie. Their style is heavily influenced by Over the Garden Wall. The sketches and final render were donde in Procreate. Tom is brought to life by the app Veadotuber, where their expressions can be seen using the program's tools.
Tom the Faery - PNGtuber

Tom the Faery - PNGtuber
