Entry One: Learning Goals 
For your first entry please use the space below to write five learning goals. These could be broad goals such as, “I want to improve my overall digital literacy,” or program-specific goals such as, “I want to learn how to efficiently use the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator.”  

I would like to become more comfortable with Adobe Illustrator, Figma, and InDesign - This includes incorporating shortcuts into my daily work to improve my efficiency. I want to continue improving and expanding my skills in photoshop. From class to class, I’d like to be more conscious about what I am creating and the process, not just the product. I would like to form a dependable bond with at least one classmate and exchange ideas outside of class. Finally, I’m aiming to complete every assignment on time by utilizing time management. 

Entry Two: Reflect on Week One 
During our past class, we were introduced to our first project and shared some materials we had gathered. I refreshed my memory of Photoshop by playing around with images. I also watched a few tutorials that related to ideas I had for my collage. Soon I encountered some difficulty with deciding how to unify elements, but after more experimentation, I was able to find a version I liked. I think perseverance is important for any graphic designer, but I need to remind myself that perfectionism can be detrimental.  
Entry Three: Reflect on Week Two 
If I had to explain to a friend what we learned this past week, I would want to rewatch the PH videos, which have helped me so far. From now on, I would like to follow along in class when I’m not totally comfortable with a concept being taught – even though I feel like I retained the information, I think I’m more of a hands-on learner. Photoshop has so many elements that I can get distracted just trying to find them. I have never worked on a group project over zoom, and I found it a bit intimidating to have to actively communicate while I worked. I made sure to check in frequently rather than staying silent, and I found that every time I felt better about speaking to my group members. 

Entry Four: Reflect on Week Three 
This week I got some very helpful criticism from my classmates regarding the album art project. I have experimented with several different versions of the piece after hearing their ideas and feedback, and our instructions on Miro from the assigned Photoshop demos were useful when I incorporated certain elements. So far, I have kept up with assignments, and even did some work in photoshop outside of class for a commission. In Graphic design club I learned more about InDesign, which will help me during future projects. 

Entry Five: Reflect on Week Four 
This week we were introduced to basic illustrator tools and created a pattern from our group’s individual insect designs. As of now, I think I am satisfied with how I have been progressing towards my goals; I would give myself an 80. I didn’t work during the lecture, but I absorbed sufficient information to carry the illustrator tool on to my homework assignment. Also, I really enjoyed working with a group in-person. I’m doing well keeping up with assignments, which makes me feel confident heading into midterm season. 

Entry Six: Reflect on Week Five 
Our assignments in Illustrator have really helped me get more fluid with the program. I enjoyed tracing a person's profile using the pen tool – it was relaxing and took less time than I expected. I think it’s important for me to get comfortable with illustrator because I view it as a partner for photoshop, and each program has its better applications. I’m not fond of our logo assignment because we must base it off another artist’s sketches; I tried to bring my own ideas into it, because I have trouble working from other’s ideas for a start, and that approach helped me form several good ideas (my previous experience making logos helped). 

Entry Seven: Reflect on Week Six 
During this past week, we shared our ideas for the Medieval Musicfest logo design. I was impressed by some of my classmate’s ideas, and received some great critique to build on, which helped me finalize a design that I was proud of. I feel more comfortable with illustrator than before, but the demo about exporting boards really confused me, so unfortunately, I did not submit all my deliverables even though I had completed the project. I am going to work with Luke on this and collect all the different versions that I need, and not let this setback carry on after spring break. 

Entry Eight: Reflect on Week Seven 
In the past working week, we finished the quarter by finding some examples of 3-D packaging that appeals to us, as an intro to our next unit. I really enjoyed browsing so many different brands, and I noticed several qualities that impacted how effective a given design was, which I will try to carry on in my work (limited colors, identifiable patterns, cohesion with the product itself). I think taking time to explore what other artists have done is a great way to begin your own work in a field like packaging. I want to keep in mind that inspiration can tie into every stage of the design process, not just the start, and hopefully this will help me feel motivated throughout our next projects. 

Entry Nine: Reflect on Week Eight 
Spring Break 

Entry Ten: Reflect on Week Nine 
Since returning from break, we have practiced hierarchy and font choices by designing quotes. Being forced to come up with 10 versions of the same text helped me to think outside the box and be bold with my choices of scale and contrast. I believe that this will help me in future classes to not limit my own imagination – sometimes I need help to not be obvious with my font designing. We also started the alphabet poster project. I had fun choosing where to capture pictures of my assigned letters, but I was intimidated by InDesign because I’ve struggled with it in the past. Instead of procrastinating, I tried to divide the work into smaller sections, and while I did finish last-minute, it was more so due to all the time I spent experimenting. 

Entry Eleven: Reflect on Week Ten 
In the last week, we wrapped up our alphabet posters and introduced the pop culture business cards, which I am really excited about. I had a lot of ideas but landed on the main musicians of my favorite band. Throughout this project, I became more confident with using Illustrator and InDesign, and discovered some helpful shortcuts. In class, I’ve talked to my neighbors more and exchanged ideas for mutual benefit. If I had to give advice to a student who wanted to take this class, I would tell them to think of the assignments as if they were commissions; this frame of mind makes me more conscious of the effort I put into creating. 

Entry Twelve: Reflect on Week Eleven 
This past week, we wrapped up our pop culture cards and did a formatting exercise in InDesign. As usual, I dreaded using InDesign, but I talked to my friends who had already taken this class, and they gave some helpful pointers. I tried to focus on the big picture and challenge myself to make bigger changes than I usually would in order to make my designs more appealing and exciting. Concerning the goals I have set, I feel good about putting work into all the areas I mentioned, although I still have a way to go. I’m not concerned about fully meeting all of them this semester, because this won’t be my last Graphic Design class. 

Entry Thirteen: Reflect on Week Twelve 
Over the past week, we completed a formatting challenge in Figma and learned about simple Figma wireframing. My experience with Figma last semester was negative, because my professor never taught the basics, but this time went much better because we started by learning all the tools. I took things slowly and followed directions with care, and I think my capabilities in Figma have already expanded. If I could give advice to another student who was going to take this class. I would tell them not to get overwhelmed, and simply focus on finding what you need in a situation like this. I also discovered that my learning style is more linear than I thought before. 

Entry Fourteen: Reflect on Week Thirteen 
During the last week, we created a mini animation in Figma and started a small-group project designing an app in Figma. I challenged myself to be ambitious with the complexity of my animation- my experience with animating is very lacking, so there was a lot of trial-and-error, where I would test the movements many times. My comfort level with Figma has defiantly improved, and working with other people has given me useful pointers. I feel a little nervous going into the last week, where we will be working on a diy tutorial as well as preparing to submit our GAID portfolios, but I’ve been talking to some friends who have previously applied to get informed on the process and what to expect. 

Entry Fifteen: Revisiting Learning Goals 
Please go back to the beginning of your learning journal. Copy and paste your 5 learning goals.  
Discuss each goal and share your progress. 
I would like to become more comfortable with Adobe Illustrator, Figma, and InDesign - I spent time working with both Illustrator and Figma both in class and outside of class. My skills with both programs improved. 
I want to continue improving and expanding my skills in photoshop – I had some experience with photoshop and discovered more about certain tools, like generation and color adjustment. 
From class to class, I’d like to be more conscious about what I am creating and the process, not just the product – this depended upon the volume of work I had to contend with, but for the most part, I’d say that I’ve been thoughtful about my creations. 
I would like to form a dependable bond with at least one classmate and exchange ideas outside of class – Mayley and I have chatted in and outside of class, and I’m continuing to make acquaintances in the GAID department. 
Finally, I’m aiming to complete every assignment on time by utilizing time management – I completed almost all projects on time, and those I didn’t, I contacted Luke about. 
Learning Journals

Learning Journals


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