Amelia Williams sin profil

Book Cover Design - Shakespeare Sonnets

Book Cover Design
Shakespeare Sonnet   
I was commissioned to create a book cover design, for the well knows Shakespeare sonnets to bring these classic back. I loved adding a modern feel to captivate the reader and bring their attention to a book they might not have consider before.

Here you can see the finalised cover with the spine and back cover included. I added in where the blurb will go, reviews, publishers logo and barcode. All very important parts to the cover design.
Initial ideas 
Here are three initial idea I created and went through to get to my final design, as you can see I experimented with colour and design 

Here is the final full front cover design, where I made sure every thing was balanced in the typography and that it would also stand out when smaller on a thumbnail design. 
Thank you for taking a look at my work, feel free to contact me or connect, would love to hear any feedback you may have!
Book Cover Design - Shakespeare Sonnets


Book Cover Design - Shakespeare Sonnets
