Albemarle Artivive

Albemarle Animation Poster
Poster Design
This poster was a project in my interactive media class. The goal was to create a 18x24 poster which would be scanned in Artivive. Artivive would play an animation that was created to go along with the poster. I chose to make something that would mean something to me and my family. This is the Boat that my dad had built with my grandpa. It took them 11 years to complete the build. My goal for this poster was to highlight some of the key features and to show off the true beauty of this machine.
The Idea behind this UX Poster design was a tribute to my dad. He had spent over 10 years building the boat of his dreams. This poster was meant to highlight some features of the boat and to be a overview of all of his hardwork.
Logo Redesign
Current Logo
New Logo
Type Studies
Final Poster
Motion Graphics
Albemarle Artivive

Albemarle Artivive
