Here you will find my version of a Monopoly board, London edition. This was created for a college project, in which I created new rules and designs of classic spaces. 
The new and updated monopoly money 
Here is where it gets interesting :) 
"Banned" is replacing our old "Jail" space. 
Everybody is familiar with the standard "GO" space, however not everybody is familiar with this vibrant new design.
And do you remember the "Free parking" space where you just felt safe, well now you get a second chance, if you land on "Lucky Nine" you have to throw the 2 dices, if you get a nine you will have a second go. 
"Community chests" are now gone and replaced with the new "$$$" cards, on the other side of it you will find one on the images below, where you either earn or lose money. 
Oh, also the dirty old "Stations" are now forgotten and replaces with the new and shiny "Wildstyle Gallery"
Monopoly Board
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Monopoly Board

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