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Blythe’s Bad Haircut

Blythe’s hair has always been unmanageable; it’s not her fault; she was made that way. 
Most Blythe dolls you see in photos have been customized and rewigged.
Blythe thought a haircut could help, so Blythe let Blythe cut her hair. 
Blythe didn’t know that Blythe didn’t know how; she had hair scissors. 
Now, what will Blythe Do? 
It won’t grow back; she’s a Doll. 
The other Blythe’s didn’t know; they all had their original, unruly hair. 
Blythe tried to support Blythe, but she didn’t know how.
One Blythe suggested she try a hat; another suggested she look at wigs. 
Blythe tried Wig Shopping but was overwhelmed; she probably needed new eye chips and a complete makeover. 
She wore a hat and visited the ball-jointed Dolls for tea; they knew all about wigs
She couldn’t help but notice their reactions to her hair. She was feeling self-conscious, so she left. 
Another Blythe told her to look on the bright side; no one cut her cord. 
She suggested the Fairies might have a potion to help her grow hair.
Blythe went to see a fairy but didn’t trust the potion that she gave her. 
Not knowing what else to do, she visited The Candyman.
The Candyman can work all kinds of magic. 
Blythe Got All Sugared Up..
She was feeling quite different indeed.
Blythe had a sugar crash and fell asleep. 
She woke up all sticky, so she went home for puppy cuddles and self-care.
 After everything that happened that day, Blythe realized self-love was more important than vanity. She was still beautiful. She realized she was enough. 
Blythe’s Bad Haircut


Blythe’s Bad Haircut
