Ade Olukoya 的个人资料

Sacred Sisterhood

Sacred Sisterhood

Sacred Sisterhood
In a world that can be at times, unforgiving and even cruel—it is easy for the woman to become hard and untrusting. It is within the protection created in Sacred Sisterhood that the woman can find safety in her softness. An exhale in moments that feel suffocating. Being held in moments of aloneness. It is Sacred Sisterhood that we use to rise through integrity, reliability, and understanding that the light we have inside shines brightly in the other. A mirror-ship that illuminates the darkest tunnels, a lighthouse to ships in a stormy sea. 
Together we are both stronger and softer. Together we remind ourselves of our own hearts. Together we are our true selves. Hug your sisters close, by blood or by bond. The Divine Feminine is rising. 


An ode to my sacred mirror

A safe container for your innermost self
Reflected divinely back in utter raw form
Loving acceptance
Soft moments of feminine rage
Pure instances of equal energy exchanged between souls that understand the role they play is boundless
Unwavering support and dedication
Holding each other in authenticity
Walking a path side by side of integrity
Building each other up in a sisterhood that cannot possibly be contained in one lifetime
May we forever find each other and continue this sacred work in healing ourselves and the collective - Melissa

Sacred Sisterhood


Sacred Sisterhood
