Профиль Maria Famenka

Packaging ­/ brand identity for supplement

Conceived and formulated with meticulous care, Elevit draws inspiration from the wonders of nature and the pursuit of optimal health. Our brand concept revolves around the belief that every woman deserves to feel empowered and nourished from within. Crafted to unlock the potential of essential nutrients for women's well-being, Elevit's range of supplements and vitamins celebrate the nourishing essence of nature's finest ingredients, providing women with the support they need to thrive in their daily lives.

The design concept for Elevit is rooted in celebrating the diversity of women and their unique needs. The brand's identity features a bold typographic logo that reflects the vibrancy and diversity of women's health. The choice of clean and minimalist design elements emphasizes the brand's commitment to simplicity and purity. Bright and clean colors are incorporated to evoke a sense of freshness and vitality, mirroring the natural essence of Elevit's products. Overall, the design solution aims to convey a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.


You can order logo, brand identity or packaging development from me. I am always open to new projects. To contact me, use the links to write messages:

mail: mashaflamenko@gmail.com

design by Maria Famenka
April, 2024

Packaging ­/ brand identity for supplement


Packaging ­/ brand identity for supplement
