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Epoxy resin, Cement, Hand-colored 
你微小 但你並不渺小
此時你坐擁的一隅 將帶領你啟程
生活總有望穿秋水的期待 也會有意想不到的欣喜
昨日是今日的回憶 而明日是今日的夢想
與光同塵 與時舒卷
心中赤誠 眼裡有光
— 小陽台「三時之一」
In your smallness, yet not insignificance
This corner you possess will guide your journey hence
Life holds hopes that pierce through autumn’s veil
And joys unforeseen in its unfolding tale 
Yesterday, a memory woven into today
While tomorrow, dreams in the present lay
With the dust of light, in time‘s embrace
Heart sincere, eyes aglow with grace
— “the Eternality I “ 
the Eternality I
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the Eternality I

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