Kat Goss 님의 프로필

Mafia Romance - NSFW

It was a good offer. Aria knew it. She bit her lip, trying to think of a counter-offer.
“You want to put your life in my hands?” she asked, looking at the bite mark on
his neck.

Salvatore laughed. He could see her sweet smile forming, but as he watched her,
she forced it away. Salvatore smiled, rubbing his hand over his neck. The bite mark
stung every time he touched it, and he was certain it was going to leave a bruise.
“You’re concerned you can’t do it?” he asked.

“It’s not that. I don’t have a history of working well with others,” she said.

He wondered how true that was. He couldn’t think of a better way for her to settle
her debt to him. He wanted to keep her around for a while and get to know her. He
wanted to know how she got to where she was in life.

“You don’t need to decide now. Take some time to think about it,” he said.
“What do you suggest I do in the meantime?” she asked.

“That’s up to you, but you’ll be staying here until you’ve made up your mind,” he
said. “Perhaps you could read a book or something.”

“Ugghhh,” she moaned, rolling her eyes. “How boring.”

“I’m sure anything is boring compared to how you spend your days,” he joked.
Aria slumped back on the bed. He wondered if she would try to find a way to
escape. He would put extra guards on her in the meantime.

Groaning, she pushed herself up off the mattress, straightening the pillows
behind her. She hadn’t noticed the pendant slip out of her shirt.

When she looked up, Salvatore’s eyes were already on it. It was unusual. He had
seen one like it before on a friend that he hadn’t seen since he was much younger. It
had belonged to someone that he believed to be dead.

“Where did you get that pendant?” he asked.

The question appeared to upset her. She grabbed at the pendant and shoved it
back in her shirt, away from sight.

“I found it at a thrift store,” she said.

“You’re awfully possessive of it. Must have been an important thrift store,” he

“What? Are we getting to know each other now? Is that what this is?” she asked.
Salvatore smiled, walking closer to the bed. He sat at the end of the bed and
crossed his arms. He was disappointed that she wasn’t his old friend. He would have
been happy to see her alive and in reasonably good condition.

“Might not be a bad idea since you’ll be working rather close to me,” he said.
She rolled her eyes and sighed.

“What do you want to know?” she asked.

“Well, we could start with your name...if you want,” he said, chuckling slightly.
Aria closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. The sight of her handcuffed to the
bed was turning him on. He clenched his fist to try and distract himself from his dirty

“I’ll start...my name is Salvatore,” he said, placing a hand on his chest.
“Yeah no shit...your men only said it about fifty times,” she joked.
“And you are?”

“My name is Anna Mackenzie,” she lied.

“You don’t strike me as an Anna,” he said.

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know...girls named Anna don’t generally grow up to shoot other people,”
he laughed.

“And aren’t most Salvatore’s old and decrepit?” she asked.

“Alright alright...you’ve made your point,” he said, raising his hands.

He looked at her. He knew she had given him a fake name but he didn’t care. A
lot of people use fake names, for various reasons. He observed her features carefully.
She reminded him of Ari, his old friend.

If Ari hadn’t been presumed dead, he would think it was her. They had the same
eye color and the same short temper. They even had similar hair, but the friend he was
thinking of had died in a house fire many years before.

“Why were you so defensive?” he asked.

“About what?” she snapped.

“The locket. You’re awfully protective over something you found at the thrift
store,” he said.

“Because you asked about it.”

“I suppose that’s reasonable. I meant nothing by it. I just knew someone who had
a similar locket once, that’s all,” he said.

Salvatore leaned forward and cupped her chin in his hand. Her skin was soft and
her face was warm. Her eyes met his and he could feel butterflies in his stomach.
Something he hadn’t felt in a very long time.

“You intrigue me Anna,” he said with a grin.
“That should do it,” he said, getting up and moving towards her.
Salvatore leaned into her, kissing her deeply as she leaned back, her hands pressed firmly

against the desk. Aria ran her fingers through his thick, curly hair and he stopped, pressing
his forehead against hers.

“You’re incredible,” he said before kissing her again.

This time he kissed her harder. She melted into his kiss, biting his lip as his hands made
their way across her body. Her hands were shaking from the nerves. But thankfully he
hadn’t noticed.

Salvatore reached up her skirt and slid her underwear down. She felt them brush over my
feet and fall off the tips of her toes. His hands worked their way between her skin and her
dress. There was a ‘clink’ as she heard his belt buckle hit the floor. 
For a brief moment she contemplates the risk of what they are doing. But all her concern is

washed away when she feels his hand in the small of her back, pulling her closer. Aria sat
up straight as he lifted her dress over her head, throwing it to one side.

He looked at her for a moment, taking in the sight of her as her fingers worked at
unbuttoning his shirt. All concern about risk was gone and before it had a moment to come
back he was inside her

Aria’s back arches as she welcomed him in, her knuckles whitening over the edge of the
desk. His lips moved across her neck as he entered her slowly and gently. Aria could see
the muscles in his shoulders flex as he moved her body in rhythm with his.

He felt incredible. She could finally have what she thought was out of her reach. Every slow

thrust was driving her crazy. Salvatore’s eyes glanced across her body once more as he
brought his lips down to hers, his tongue pushing its way into her mouth.
The fire behind him created a halo around him as his body took control of her every thought.

Aria’s head fell back in pleasure as she let out a soft moan.

“Hold on,” he said softly as his hand wrapped around her thigh.

Salvatore lifted her up, and for a moment her body was suspended in the air. Her arms
wrapped around him as she fell over him, his head nestled softly between her breasts. Still
inside her, he fell backwards onto the bed, with her seated on top of him.

He continued to guide her body as he thrusted into her, their bodies pulsed in unison.

Their bodies glistened with sweat as they finally gave in to their desires, hidden away somewhere
in the heart of the city.

Aria leaned forward, gripping the headboard as her bodied moved against his. Her hair
tumbled down, falling gently against the pillow next to him as her nails dug into the
headboard. He was thrusting harder, his hands gripping her ass as he kept her body in

Aria glanced down. The sight of him set her heart on fire. His muscles tensed with every
pulse of their bodies and she let out a moan.

Aria gasped as he thrusted hard into her before softening his grip on her body. He slowed
his pace as his hands gently caressed every curve of her body. His hand worked its way up

to her breast where he played with her nipples as her hips were grinding against him.
Salvatore stared up at her. The light from the fire flickered and danced across her skin.

Her soft hair hung like a curtain next to him as she bit her lip from the pleasure. Both of them wanted it to last forever.

He ran his fingers through her hair as he wrapped his hand around the back of her head,
tilting her head down towards him.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, staring into her eyes.

With every thrust he made into her, Aria could feel a jolt of electricity shoot through her body, making it impossible for her to think straight. Salvatore raised himself up against the
headboard, pulling her body into his. 

He kissed her neck, making his way slowly down her chest until his tongue flicked over her nipples. Aria held onto him tightly as their hips swayed. She parted her legs further, allowing him to push even deeper into her.

Salvatore brought his head back up, kissing her along her neck until he made it back to her lips. Then he kissed her passionately. She moaned into his mouth as his hands gripped her body tightly once more.

Aria snatched at her breath. She could feel a pressure building in her abdomen as Salvatore kept a steady pace. She could feel the muscles in his back tightening more and more. 

Her mind was spinning from the pleasure.
Mafia Romance - NSFW

Mafia Romance - NSFW


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