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5 ways to prepare preschoolers for kindergarten

This piece was written on spec for Lillio (formerly HiMama).

A smooth transition: 5 ways to prepare preschoolers for kindergarten

The transition from preschool to kindergarten is a major one, and it’s not easy. Children are suddenly placed in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by strangers. Educators and parents alike can make this change easier for preschoolers. Equip them with some of the skills they’ll need to succeed in kindergarten. Here are five ways to do just that!

1. Teach self-help skills

Kindergarteners are expected to use self-help skills throughout the day. Zipping and unzipping backpacks, opening food packaging, putting on and taking off shoes and jackets—they'll have to do all this and more. Plan activities involving zippers and buttons so they learn what to do. When it comes to daily routines, give children the opportunity to help themselves.

2. Encourage washroom independence

Related to self-help skills, washroom independence is a huge factor in kindergarten readiness. “Independence” is the key word here—there's a lot more involved in the process than just sitting on the toilet. Children also need to learn how to pull their pants up and down, get toilet paper by themselves, and wipe without assistance. Allow preschoolers a safe space to take these steps on their own.

3. Support cooperative play

As children progress through preschool, they move from parallel play to cooperative play. They're no longer simply playing side-by-side. Now, children are exchanging ideas and toys as they play together. This can lead to conflict among peers. Teach preschoolers self-regulation strategies, such as taking deep breaths. Model healthy conflict resolution. Don't underestimate the power of play! Lillio Academy’s course Play! How Children Learn delves into the importance of play-based learning. By watching this course, you'll learn about the function of play and your role in it.

4. Foster children’s natural curiosity

Children are born with a desire to explore their world. Support preschoolers by providing open-ended activities that build on their interests. This will help to instill a love of learning that they’ll carry with them as they enter kindergarten. You can also build on their curiosity in spontaneous moments. If you see a preschooler watching a bug crawl across a log, join in! Observations like, “I wonder if this bug can fly,” or, “I see six legs,” can start a discussion and have them seeking out more information.

5. Maintain open communication

The Reggio Emilia approach states that children have three teachers: parents, educators, and the environment. Regardless of your own philosophy, it's safe to say that each of these factors play a huge role in a child’s development. A great way for families and teachers to stay in contact is by using Lillio (formerly HiMama). The Lillio app allows educators to post ongoing updates so parents can stay in the loop. Send messages back and forth to pass along important information.

The transition to kindergarten can be intimidating. These five strategies will make it easier on everyone involved. Kindergarten teachers can handle the academic side of things. Parents and preschool teachers have the opportunity to build a foundation that starts kids off on the right foot.
5 ways to prepare preschoolers for kindergarten


5 ways to prepare preschoolers for kindergarten
