Kyla Harrison 的個人檔案

Design Explanation & Presentation

IMDb Re-design by Kyla Harrison
I created this re-design for my GIT 340 class using Figma. I mostly used knowledge that I learned in the class and research that I gathered to make improvements to the design of IMDb. 
Heuristic Evaluation Takeaways:
Ads are too distracting or large ads
Inconsistent branding between pages
Too much content make it confusing to know where the page wants you to start
Long lists of movies cause excessive scrolling
Card Sorting Takeaways:​​​​​​​
Most popular categories were Movies, TV, Awards & Festivals, and Celebs. 
User Testing Takeaways:
Users prefer the search function, the What to Watch page and Showtimes and Tickets page stood out to users over others. 
My Sketches:
Final Re-design:
For the homepage, I decided to make two big improvements: enlarging the search bar and limiting the content on the page to three categories. I made the search bar bigger and put it at the top of the page under the navigation because my users preferred the search function over any other method of searching IMDb. I decided to limit the homepage to content that fits into three categories due to the overflow of content on the current IMDb website. 
Showtimes & Tickets:
I chose the Showtimes & Tickets page since it stood out to my users. I decided to update its current outdated design and make it match IMDb's brand identity. I continued using the same search bar design to maintain consistency on each page and always give the user the option to use the search function. I also changed the layout of the page from a long, never-ending list of movies to a horizontal list of movies that the user can click through to see six movies at a time. 
For the future:
In the future, I would definitely do user testing differently or do several rounds of user testing. It was hard to tell what to look for when doing user testing. It seemed like a lot of users had no direction. I would probably put more time into preparing for user testing. I could possibly do research to get an idea of the problems that people have with the website and pay close attention to those aspects. 
Design Explanation & Presentation

Design Explanation & Presentation

