IMDb Re-Design
This comprehensive UX project involved a full spectrum of user experience methodologies, including heuristic evaluation, card sorting, user testing, and ultimately, a redesign of the IMDb website. The project was initiated in response to problems with the current IMDb site, such as cluttered navigation, poor responsiveness across devices, and an outdated visual design. Our aim was to enhance user experience by streamlining site navigation, optimizing user actions, and adopting a modern, clean aesthetic that is intuitive and responsive on both desktop and mobile platforms. This user-centric redesign strives to address these issues and improve overall engagement and usability.
Our team conducted a Heuristic Evaluation of the IMDb website and identified significant issues with its adherence to the Aesthetic and Minimalist Design heuristic. The evaluation revealed an excessive presence of large, intrusive ads on every page, especially the homepage, which detracts from the user experience. A major concern is the site's prioritization of advertisements, which conflicts with delivering a functional and user-focused design, undermining both the functionality and aesthetics of the website.
Card Sorting:
A recent card sorting session provided key insights for refining IMDb's site navigation and content organization. Users preferred easy access to personalized recommendations and reviews, with many categorizing "What to Watch" under personalized recommendations. There was a consensus on enhancing the main navigation to include more useful information and simplify access to personalized movie recommendations and a dedicated Reviews page. These changes aim to align the site more closely with user expectations and improve overall engagement.
User Testing:
After conducting in-person user testing, several key insights emerged regarding the IMDb website's usability. Users found the search bar intuitive and easy to use, effectively locating it and utilizing it for their searches. However, they experienced difficulty accessing behind-the-scenes content for movies, with many struggling to find this type of information. Additionally, there was a notable demand for easier access to reviews of movies and TV shows, as some users reported challenges in locating these reviews. These findings highlight areas where the website could improve to enhance user satisfaction and ease of use.
Final Design
Screen 1:
Added a "User Reviews" CTA button for each movie and TV show, allowing users to easily access reviews. This improves upon the previous design, where users had to click on a movie or TV show and then scroll to the bottom to read reviews. Removed the large ad and added a "What to Watch" section at the top, catering to users who visit IMDb to find movies to watch.

Screen 2:
Added "Behind the Scenes Content" as its own section, addressing user difficulties in finding this feature. Moved the user reviews section higher up to enhance accessibility. Additionally, the trivia section has been moved to the top, as users often found it hard to locate but valued the information and appreciated its presentation once discovered.
Next Steps
If I had more time, I would have focused more on testing the watchlist functionality and observing how users interact with it. Given that the watchlist section of the site was older than other pages, updating its visual design was a key priority that deserved additional attention and refinement.
IMDb Re-Design

IMDb Re-Design



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