After a year since our initial online call on July 2nd, 2022, we finally had the chance to meet in person!

It all started from the need of sharing our experience in dataviz as we come from different backgrounds and learning paths. After one year of online chatting and calls, we gathered for an offline weekend in Milan, where we also hosted the first aperi-viz event open to all! An occasion to meet other data viz enthusiasts while enjoying a beer and a chat.


✤ The visualization shows how many messages we've sent on our whatsapp group from its creation in July '22 to June '23. 
✤ The flowers mark when we met, both online and in person, with an increasing size that follows the evolution of our relationship.

💡Looking at the conversation trend, you can see the occurrences of our meetings coming at all the bumps, as if we decided to switch to a live conversation because of too many topics piling up or as if we were chatting to actually arrange the meeting, like for the last one.
Dataviz café


Dataviz café

