Henkilön Volha Zhuk profiili

BOSC | Brand identity for social application

Client: BOSC Bosc.club
Designer: Volha Zhuk

About the brand:
BOSC stands for Buena Onda Social Club. BOSC believes in the power of genuine human connection to enrich lives and build meaningful relationships. In a world dominated by digital interactions, they offer a refreshing alternative – a welcoming space where individuals can come together to connect authentically, engage in heartfelt conversations, and create lasting memories.
Founded on the principles of authenticity, warmth, and inclusivity, BOSC is more than just a mobile application; it's a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a desire for genuine human interaction. Whether you're seeking new friends, stimulating discussions, or potential romantic partners, BOSC provides the perfect platform to break free from the confines of virtual communication and rediscover the joy of face-to-face connections.

Services: Brand Strategy; Art Direction; Brand Identity Design; Print Materials; Social Media

Creating a brand identity for BOSC posed the challenge of capturing the essence of genuine human connection in a digital world while ensuring differentiation from competitors. With a diverse target audience and a focus on authenticity, warmth, and inclusivity, the brand needed to resonate deeply with users and evoke emotional connections.

My solution was to develop a brand identity that reflects the core values of BOSC – authenticity, warmth, and inclusivity – through cohesive visual elements, messaging, and experiences. By embracing a hygge-inspired aesthetic and incorporating vibrant colors, playful typography, and organic shapes, I aimed to create a brand identity that feels inviting, cozy, and approachable.

The process began with extensive research into the target audience, market trends, and competitor analysis. We then collaborated closely with the BOSC team to define the brand's positioning, values, and personality. With a clear understanding of the brand essence, we iteratively developed visual concepts and refined design elements.

BOSC | Brand identity for social application


BOSC | Brand identity for social application

BOSC stands for Buena Onda Social Club. They are not just a social club; It's a catalyst for genuine human interaction in the digital age. In a w Lue lisää
