Aleksand Chubars profil

Far Far Light Years Away

Far Far Light Years Away
Part one

This is a personal project of mine. It is based on a parallel universe, which may actually be quite real. 

The action takes place in our time, if of course we take into account that time is subjective and moves in one direction. Everything is calm on earth, it is not different from ours. We live an ordinary life and do not see beyond our telescopes. 

But somewhere far far away in deep space, where we can not reach, there are myriads of events, there live an innumerable number of different beings. Dark gods, space mages, intergalactic gangs, planet-sized cults - that's the least of it. 

In illustrations, animations, and small comics, I talk about characters, races, planats, or just throw some humor into deep space

Space Wizard
«You never waited for your letter from Hogwarts, but you still want to be a wizard? Then we have great news for you. The Order of the Silent Stars has opened enrollment! Just 27 years of training and you will become a space wizard!
You need only give your consent and we will find you ourselves, no matter what part of the visible universe you are in!» - the poster read

Character concept
So, what do we know about Space Wizards? Well, depending on which ones, of course, right now we’re looking at the ones from the Order of the Silent Stars. A particular wizard, to be exact. His name is hard to pronounce. So we’ll call him Lu

Lu, like all his fellow members of the Order, is a researcher. Flying around the galaxy in search of new knowledge. He seeks out new elements of the physical world

He’s a master of object transformation, roughly speaking, he can create and change matter. Yes, yes, he can make a golden spoon out of stone and a candy bar out of dung. The main thing is the right ratio of matter, form and meaning. And the right amount of cosmic energy, of course.

His main tool is his gloves. A small three-fingered one for small and precise magic. A large one for magic of epic proportions. A full-handed glove like this is allowed to be worn by mages of the rank of Star-Spangling Hand. It’s the highest constellation of the order, not some bullshit.

Mages don’t like weapons, or violence in general, but space is certainly not a light and fluffy place. So Lu has a sword. Well, not really a sword, more like anything with a hilt. Since his blade is made up of liquid metal that is in a state of limbo and can be anything the mage wishes it to be. Sword, axe, dildo? Yes!

Anyway, Lu’s a tough guy, he can change things and create things. And also he could sit in the council of mages, but he can’t sit still and that’s why he’s been traveling the galaxy for 20 years collecting rocks and all sorts of weird stuff. In general, not a life, but a dream!
And there's a speedpaint showing and I read the text above. It's atmospheric, but it's in Russian, so be careful.

Lord Of The Flesh
-Do you hear that?
-Yes. What is it?
-It's the bonding of the planets that He draws to Himself to join together.
- Who is He? What are you talking about?
- The Lich King, Lord of the Flesh.
- What about you? They're stories.
- They're not stories! What do you think we're guarding? His head! When they could defeat him, they chopped him up into a dozen pieces and scattered him all over the galaxy in flasks and stuffed him in bunkers. And we're guarding the one with his head in it!
- No, it's nothing. It's nothing, is it? It's just an old bunker, just for show. What the hell are head flasks?
- It's filled to the brim with acid and it's constantly pumping blood out of the lich so he doesn't have time to regenerate. And we're not the only ones guarding it, there's a couple of elite soldiers in the bunker and a cyber mage from the Order of Silent Stars.
- How do you know that?
- My master showed me and asked me to help him reunite
- Master?
- I'm sorry Martin, I have no choice.
Animation option. And somewhere in the background is playing creepy music from Alien that I don't have the rights to

The Piece
The Plump race, commonly known as the “pieces”. It's not really a race, more like a collective mind. All these slugs are all pieces of one big, uh, slug, brain?
They're all parts of a whole, but they all have a consciousness. The thing is, the purpose of this entire race is to gather information and experience, it's their main commodity in the galaxy. And with self-consciousness the experience is more complete and the information more colorful.

There are many Plump people scattered around the world, from soldiers and laborers to elite prostitutes. And if you happen to meet one, don't lose the chance, she has the immeasurable experience of thousands of individuals, you won't regret it.

How the individuals communicate with each other and the main brain is not clear. They are composed of a well-mixed jelly of muscles, nerve endings and other stuff, into which they just stuck prosthetics corresponding to their profile. Well, or just a piece shoved into a robosuit, like this representative in the example above.

Love is a strange feeling and damn subjective. For some people love is understanding and acceptance, for others it’s passion and wild sex on the kitchen table. And for some people it is an embrace, warm, wet, enveloping and a little smacky embrace
Weird? Yes! But there's no arguing about taste

It's happened! The legendary and eternal Cyber Death have released their new album “Sepulchral Silence”! It's already an immortal hit that's a smash hit! The sounds of absolute nothing and deep darkness.
They cause depression, a feeling of insignificance of your existence and premature death, in general everything we love this artist for.
If you die after the third track “Quiet Silence”, then Death himself will come for you and give you his single “Always somewhere near”!!!!
Do not listen in crowded places!

Cybernetic Kisser 9000
If you're single, hyper shy, or just lazy but want to make out, there's a way out!
Cybernetic Kisser 9000!!!

He doesn't ask for a new console, steal money for a deluxe purse, get offended over nothing, or finish the last yogurt, no sir! He just kisses greedily and passionately!

There are 27 modes available, from "Shy Alpha Centauri Neighbor" to "Former Quadrilian Geisha". Now without the nose, because it's always in the way. Buy now and get a set of replacement lips as a gift.

Sorry, we don't ship to Earth, the closest delivery point is Pluto, third crater from the center.

Thanx for watching!
To be continued...

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Far Far Light Years Away


Far Far Light Years Away
