Profil von David Pesek Muller

Gravelli - Concrete Planters (Hotel Hybernská) 2023


a trio of large-scale concrete planters by Gravelli, 2023 - Prague
The project called for a set of 3 unique concrete-clad planters with custom steel construction and plastic tubs with fixtures for irrigation:
Given the scale and complexity of the construction site we were set into, precision and clear communication with the site management was key. 
installation process at various stages:
With a few mishaps along the way (overall planter re-adjustment with a crane due to change in stair height - as seen above), all three planters were completed and installed to a satisfactory result:
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Gravelli - Concrete Planters (Hotel Hybernská) 2023

Gravelli - Concrete Planters (Hotel Hybernská) 2023
