Profil appartenant à Artem Viter

Book design concept

About the project

The concept of the project is an important stage in the development of any design, since it determines the general direction and style of work. In our case, we chose a futuristic style that draws attention to innovation, progress and modernity.

In the process of creating the project, a study was conducted that helped to develop an interesting and unusual design of a scientific book, with great enthusiasm creating a new perception of historical facts, because the topics of encyclopedias are rather restrained and usually the design of such books is restrained and prosaic.


The need for new samples of printed publications for modern manufacturers gives special relevance and perspective to research in the field of design. 

The importance of this topic lies in the fact that the growing demand for innovative and attractive design solutions requires further analysis of the ways of forming a font in printed publications related to the direction of futurism.


Expansion of the font palette in futuristic design developments is carried out by means of plastic variation of separate letters and words, such as stretching, giving volume, perspective reductions and other transformations corresponding to the general orientation of futurism to constructiveness and geometricality.

A correctly selected font can become the decoration of any designer project, while the wrong choice can spoil the first impression of the work. In addition, design psychology plays an important role in improvement. 

Making effective design decisions requires understanding users, and design psychology helps designers in this. Using the principles of this science, you can significantly increase efficiency design and contribute to a better perception of it by users.

Cherish design!

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WhatsApp: Artem Viter

Book design concept
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Book design concept

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