Richard Berry 的个人资料

Badrutt's Palace Tower Revue magazine

Tower Revue 2023-2024
A new perspective on St. Mortiz

With the successful completion of three prior editions, the fourth Tower Revue got underway a little later than usual, compounded by several transitions within the creative team. Consequently, I assumed the dual role of directing the publication and assuming primary responsibility for its design.

Collaborating with multiple designers in the creation of a luxury magazine presents its own set of challenges but it also affords an opportunity to imbue the design with a diverse array of perspectives, enriching the visual narrative despite using a template.

This year's iteration of Tower Revue reflects a more cohesive and harmonised aesthetic across its pages. While maintaining the hallmark elements of luxury design cherished by our client base, the publication now embodies a more unified design ethos, aligning seamlessly with the preferences of Badrutt's Palace's new PR manager.

The pacing of the design via one designer proved instrumental in ensuring alignment with the tone and content objectives set for this year's edition. From overseeing photographer commissions to streamlining workflow logistics and crafting layouts, the 84-page magazine stands as a testament to the success of Tower Revue 2023-2024. 

Personally, it was immensely gratifying to re-immerse myself in the realm of editorial leadership, simultaneously serving as designer and creative director.
Badrutt's Palace Tower Revue magazine


Badrutt's Palace Tower Revue magazine
