Laura Beamish profili

Alternative Techniques Photography - "The Aviator"

The photoshoot was done to portray the windows of an aviator.
The concept is based on seeing life through the eyes of an aviator and to
put yourself in his shoes, in his world and to view life through his windows.
Aviators and pilots generally and almost 100% love their job, love the skies and love their machines. When they head to the skies, they go to another world where cloud dancing is a statement and runways become collections in their logbooks.
It is a fact that every pilot and aviator will have plenty photographs of clouds
and their planes on their phone. This is the window to their world of flying.
The aeroplane is a machine and in order to pilots to operate them, they have to look through digital computerised windows. It is as if the aeroplane is saying to them, “look through my window and see how I operate”.
Negative Effects Photography
Infrared Photography
Solarisation Photography
Infrared Photography
Solarisation Photography
Alternative Techniques Photography - "The Aviator"
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Alternative Techniques Photography - "The Aviator"

This was a photoshoot done using alternative photographic techniques. The photoshoot was done to portray the windows of an aviator. The concept i Daha Fazla Bilgi

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