
The purpose of the Learning Journal was to track your thoughts and feelings about the progress being made over the course of the semester with a baseline provided by the prompt on Week One. Additional writing prompts were provided to help guide your thinking throughout the semester and were responded to one ever week. By the end of the semester the goal was to have a comprehensive record of how the course experience was and is capped at the final week by revisiting the responses from Week One and discussing the progress made.  

For the Learning Journal, the prompts provided were more vital to the earlier responses in the semester, however by the end they were no longer needed. Writing became a more free act that grew with repetition which oftentimes led to the journal entries focusing more so around what was currently being done, the feelings surrounding it, and how it was being executed. Journaling was very helpful to the process of the work by allowing some of the problems throughout the semester to be recorded and addressed later on. 
Learning Journal

Progetto creato per

Learning Journal


Campi creativi